Generating Ambiguous Figure-Ground Images
National Tsing Hua University
National Tsing Hua University
National Chengchi University
National Tsing Hua University
National Cheng-Kung University
An overview of our system to automatically generate an ambiguous figure-ground image using two outer contours extracted from input images. (a) The system starts by finding candidate partial contour matches based on a novel content-aware shape matching metric. (b) The matching pair with top score is selected by the system and both matched contours are adaptively deformed to share a common boundary. (c) Lastly, the system computes an optimal cropping window and image binarization to maximize the completeness of object contours in the final result.
Ambiguous figure-ground images generated using our system with or without user intervention. (a)-(g) show four image compositions using more than two objects, while (h)-(v) are eight results composed of two objects. Our system is efficient and takes less than a second to generate these visually appealing results either automatically or with simple user assistance to specify the region of interest for shape matching ((a)-(g),(l),(s),(t)).
We thank the anonymous reviewers for their invaluable comments and suggestions; Charles Morace for proofreading. The project was supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Technol- ogy of Taiwan (102-2221-E-007-055-MY3, 103-2221-E-007-065- MY3, 104-2218-E-004-003, and 104-2221-E-006-044-MY3).
@article{kuo:2016:FG, author = {Ying-Miao Kuo and Hung-Kuo Chu and Ming-Te Chi and Ruen-Rone Lee and Tong-Yee Lee}, title = {Generating Ambiguous Figure-Ground Images}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics}, volume = {23}, issue = {5}, pages = {1534--1545}, year = {2016} }